Product Brief #7:
SDK v4, Documentation Portal & MQL

May 1, 2019 ()

This new major release has had two things in mind: Simplify some specific connectors parameters and provide a more smart bundle system.
These changes were necessary since we are preparing the project for antoher big thing: leverage support (already supported on ) at SDK level.

API surface

/* before */
<Microlink reverse video />

/* after */
<Microlink direction='ltr' media='video' />
In the past, we added some specific connector parameters since is oriented to support different user case over any site on internet.
The things added are good, but now we have a more global vision of our API surface and we can simplify to express the same in a more unified way.
Specifically the changes has been:
  • Renamed image into media.
  • Removed video, use media='video' instead.
  • Renamed reverse into direction where values can be rtl and ltr.
  • Removed noFetch. Now, it will be deducted if you use setData passing an object.

Better build system

The build system is the way we bundle the library to be consumed in different ways.
The way we created the bundle has been totally rewritten.
We offer two officialy connectors: and .
The React connector is bundle to be consume in and .
After these builds are created, we use the ESM bundle to create the Vanilla conector. This new build is exported to be consumed as Universal Module Definition (UMD).

New documentation portal

The documentation portal is a big deal: We wanted to have an unified entry point to see all the things (formally documentation but also examples, code snippets) involved with Microlink.
Now, the documentation portal is integrated on the site. It uses the same visual elements than our Design System.
Also, we wanted to provide a way to anyone extend it, so every documentation section has Edit This Page on GitHub on the footer, making possible suggest changes quickly.
import mql from ''
const { status, data } = await ''
Microlink Query Language (MQL) is the precessor of Custom Rules as we pointed in our Master Plan for 2019.
We are happy to say that MQL is production ready πŸš€.
We provide npm package that is a convenient JavaScript HTTP client on top of .
Also it's ready to be used directly on browser .
We have started adding and how rules need to be defined.
We are going to add, as soon as possible, documentation at the API layer, more practical examples, and a totally new site just for use it as a playground.

Join the community

All of these improvements or features are community driven: We listen to your feedback and act accordingly.
Whether you are are building a product and you need fancy previews, you’re an indie hacker or simply you like frontend stuff, come chat with us πŸ™‚.