
<boolean> | <object>

Default: false
It gets a web performance metrics of the target .
  • CLI
  • JavaScript
  • Shell
  • Python
  • Ruby
const mql = require('@microlink/mql')

const { status, data } = await mql('', { insights: true })

When is presnet, a new insights data field will be returned. These field contain two subfields:
  • technologies: A list of technologies identified powered by .
  • lighthouse: A full web audit report powered by .
By default, both subfield are enabled. You can disable them individually to speed up the response time:
  • CLI
  • JavaScript
  • Shell
  • Python
  • Ruby
const mql = require('@microlink/mql')

const { status, data } = await mql('', {
  insights: { lighthouse: true, technologies: false }

Enabling insights but only the lighthouse report