

It evaluates the JavaScript stringified value provided inside the browser context over the target URL, returning the result.
It's quite similar to , but designed to specify the value to be obtained in a JavaScript-like way.
const mql = require('@microlink/mql')

const getNextVersion = url =>
  mql(url, {
    data: {
      version: {
        evaluate: 'window.next.version',
        type: 'string'

const { data } = await getNextVersion('https://vercel.com')

console.log(`Next.js version is: ${data.version}`)
You can combine evaluate with types for data correcteness.
It can evaluate anything browser compatible in the JavaScript context.
const mql = require('@microlink/mql')

const getExcerpt = url =>
  mql(url, {
    data: {
      excerpt: {
        evaluate: async () => {
          const response = await window.fetch(
          const script = await response.text()
          const reader = new window.Readability(window.document)
          return reader.parse().excerpt
        type: 'string'

const { data } = await getExcerpt(
